My 2nd favorite singer is Justin Bieber. The girls love him. He is a good looking 16 year old. My top 3 favorite songs by him are 1. One Time 2. One Less Lonely Girl 3. Baby. He does not have a high voice for a 16 year old. The song baby is his biggest hit. His albums are My World and My World 2.o. I only know 3 of his songs though. My cousin Cade and I are going to a Justin Bieber concert on July 14th 2010. I cant wait!!! He has been on a lot of shows including Chelsea Lately, Oprah, Ellen, Jay Leno and many more. A lot of people know about Justin Bieber. They say that people 17 and older do NOT know about Justin Bieber. I could go on and on about JB but unfortunately I cant. Time to move on. See image on the right.